Employer Search

See if your employer has a scheme with us by using the search below.

To begin the search, start typing your employer’s name below.
After 3 letters a drop-down will appear, you may need to enter more letters to see your employer.

  • If your employer appears in the drop-down:
    Click your employer's name to be taken to our Donation Choice Form.
    Here you can submit instructions to start, stop or amend your Payroll Giving donations.

  • If your employer does not appear in the drop-down:
    It may be that your employer does not currently offer Payroll Giving; contact your HR or payroll department to find out.
    If they do not currently offer Payroll Giving you can direct them to our website here.

Donation Choice Form

The Payroll Giving scheme enables you to donate regularly from your gross pay/pension to charities of your choice.
The donations are taken from your pay/pension before income tax is applied, making it a tax-effective way to give.

We offer two different options for your Payroll Giving donations:

  • Choose a charity
    If you know which charity/charities you would like to support and would like your donations to be sent automatically to them then please complete the choose a charity section.


  • Options Account
    Alternatively, you could open an Options Account where your donations can be stored until you decide.
    Please note: You will need to submit an email address to open an Options Account.

Fields marked with an asterisk * are required and must be completed to submit the form.
Your information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Personal Details

These details will not be shared with your chosen charities
unless requested within the Contact Preferences section.

Your email address is required only so that we may contact you, if necessary, to verify any of the information submitted

Employer Details

By proceeding you agree to your Employer Details being shared
with your chosen charities.

Donation Details

Please choose the statement below which best describes this instruction.

Complete this section to send your donation to charity. The deduction will happen from next month’s pay, processed by us in the following month and reach your chosen charity within the first few days of the month after.

E.g. An instruction submitted in January will be deducted from February salary, we will process this in March and your donation will reach the charity within the first few days of April. If you have chosen to make a regular donation then this donation will continue monthly thereafter.

The minimum total donation across your chosen charities is £5.

Should it be impossible to pass on a donation (e.g. if the charity ceases to exist, or cannot be identified/adequately verified) Charitable Giving shall, at its sole discretion, identify an alternative charity (with similar charitable objectives to that originally nominated) to be the recipient of the donation.

Your charity choices
To be eligible to receive Payroll Giving donations, organisations must be UK Registered Charities (or recognised by HMRC as charitable organisations exempt from registration).

A list of charities will appear when you begin typing in the charity name. If the charity you wish to support does not appear, please complete the charity registration number (reg no) and address fields manually.

If you do not tick any of the boxes above, then your contact details will not be shared with this charity and your donation will be anonymous.
Contact preferences can be different for each charity. If you have ticked these boxes, then you will need to complete the relevant Contact Details below.

Add Donation Choice

Charity Amount (£)

Contact Details

If you chose to share any of your details in the ‘choose a charity’ section, then please complete the corresponding fields to the right.
If the box is grey, then you have not requested to share this information with any of your chosen charities.

Complete this section to start, stop or amend funding to an Options Account.

An Options Account can be used to store and accumulate funds for your charitable giving, until you decide to donate, withdrawals can only be made to UK registered charities.
Additional charges may apply.

Please ensure that you have read the Terms & Conditions before applying for an Individual Options Account.
Further information can be found here.

This email address will be used to log in to your account online.
  I have read and agreed with the Terms & Conditions of an Individual Options Account.

Should it be impossible to pass on a donation (e.g. if the charity ceases to exist, or cannot be identified/adequately verified) Charitable Giving shall, at its sole discretion, identify an alternative charity (with similar charitable objectives to that originally nominated) to be the recipient of the donation

I agree that electronic transmission to and receipt by Charitable Giving of the data contained within this form constitutes my authority to affect the instructions herein.

© 2025 Charitable Giving (Registered Charity No 1128013 Company Registration No 6754603) is an HMRC-Approved Payroll Giving Agency. Details of only the total Payroll Giving deduction may be transmitted to an employer’s payroll office and will take effect on the first pay day after receipt. Backdating is not permitted.

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